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BAS-TRI - Basic common traffic safety instruction for tramways in Sweden

Bild från Erfurt.

This BAS-TRI - Basic rules in a traffic safety instruction for tramways in Sweden have been developed by a working group with representatives from all track owners and operators in Sweden. The purpose is partly that the basic rules should be the same for all tramways, and partly to help new tramways with the basics of a traffic safety instruction (TRI). Common rules is very helpful for contractors doing track work at several tramways. 

Every track owner and operator have their own traffic safety instruction valid for its own operation. This BAS-TRI is only a tool for harmonizing the traffic safety instructions in Sweden. The rules in this document have been adapted as well as possible to current traffic safety instructions. It's up to every track owner and operator to over time, in a safe manner, adjust their traffic safety instruction to harmonize with the BAS-TRI. 

BAS-TRI has been developed by a working group with representatives from safety functions with high technical knowledge from all of Swedens track owners and operators. The working group has had two meetings per year since its foundation in 2017.

This is the first version of BAS-TRI. The work will continue with the formation of regulations regarding training and amplitude testing, as well as a further immersion into the section regarding forms of protection. 

You can download the document below (only available in Swedish)


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BAS-TRI v 1.0 (542.83 KB) 542.83 KB